Sunday, August 5, 2012

Are you watching the Olympics?

We french!  Which means we have to make/listen to our own commentary which basically consists of "why aren't they showing gymnastics?  Don't the French like women's gymnastics?  I just don't get it, they are showing fencing and another game of handball!!!"  So we are missing NBC's ubber Americanized version of the Olympics but we always end the conversation, "well at least we are watching it in Paris."  And then we go back to watching the french discuss the valors of sports we would never see but for a split second in the US, badminton anyone????

 This is the cute commentator for the French Olympics.  Sorry for the bad pic.
 And yet another woman's basketball game which the french seem to LUV and yes this is why my gut looks like a basketball right now...check out these beauties...yes it is true what they say about french pastries...they are as incredible as they look!!!!

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