Saturday, Brad is home and raring to go...we let him plan the day. We started out for the neighborhood pics, sorry, and found out that the boys had to wear speedos...a big NO from our boys...this is one of the first cultural blockades we have come across...I would also put no kids menus, people not wearing deodorant in close quarters, and no toilet seats on that list as well.
So we headed to what we were hoping was a french style shopping center but instead ended at a not so great shopping center that was super no one was by now we are starving and we are on Rue de Charles De Galle Etoile surrounded by a never ending supply of motorcycle! Lunch was a super french battiserie.The Arc Trioumph was at the end of this rue so we headed for the grand tour.
Views from the top...gorgeous all around.
On the way home we stumbled on this craziness...gorgeous food from any kind of french pastry you can imagine to gelatinous seafood in a cloud of mousse...the prices were beyond real!!
Still laughing about the speedos!!!!